We're a human-centred, visually driven research agency. Understanding and capturing culture and behaviour makes us tick. We carry out in-depth, immersive visual research worldwide to bring our clients closer to real human stories & experiences.

We enable our clients to visualise in context. We help brands and organisations uncover opportunities to improve and expand through understanding and observing culture and behaviour. Our behavioural insights lead to growth, new business and initiative/design improvement.

Our clients often approach us with a question or knowledge gap. Have you and your organisation needed to know: 

  • What it's actually like living in the communities & environments your organisation engages?

  • What the numbers behind your quantitative research really mean?

  • How can we improve the design of this product/service to better meet people's real needs?

  • Why that key consumer group isn't doing what your other research predicts?

  • What impact an initiative or intervention had on the lives of people it was designed to serve?

  • How to tell your stories from your customers or end users perspective?


By using film, photography, sound, user generated content and immersive research we capture insight through open discussion and participant observation. We're experts in cutting-edge research, observation and analysis techniques.

We immerse ourselves in diverse worlds, spending extended periods of time with the people we're researching. We document experiences with individuals on a level beyond surveys, closed questions and static responses - gathering data in context.

Documenting first hand experiences allows us to bring unique stories to life in an authentic and engaging way. These insights bring you closer to your customers, enabling a more discerning approach to decision making, design, marketing, strategy and innovation.

Our family of international researchers, photographers and filmmakers capture every nuance and detail with sincere thoughtfulness and cultural sensitivity. Underpinned by academic rigour and experience in practical and commercial settings, our dexterous team are always ready to apply our thinking to your organisation's challenges. We approach every assignment with minds wide open, primed to document real people in real places, gathering themes and topics as they emerge.We pride ourselves in doing our work in-house. From inception to completion, core habitus Insight members will lead the design, data collection, analysis and audiovisual production - whether the project is UK based or further afield.